
US History from a Global Perspective



Full course description


This course is a short 5 week review course that covers US History from 1775 to 1791, including the Declaration of Independence, Revolution, Articles of Confederation and the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. 

Participants may include: primary and secondary students, college students, adults, immigrants to America, American History teachers, history buffs


Participants in this course will be able to describe key elements of American history during the American Revolution.  They will be able to explain the following: 

  • What influenced the writing of the Declaration of Independence?
  • What events led up and triggered the American Revolution?
  • What do the American people gain via the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution?
  • What rights are Americans granted via the Bill of Rights? 


All course content is freely accessible via the internet. The purchase of books or media is not required.

Sign up for this course today.
